Even numbers
Even numbers

  • Bees trained with sugar water learned quicker.
  • even numbers

    Their brains are capable of parity categorisation.If we have an unpaired element left over, that means the number of objects was odd. Similarly, when dealing with real-world objects we can use pairing.

    even numbers

    Or we may divide a number by 2 - where any whole number outcome means the number is even, otherwise it must be odd. We may memorise the rule that numbers ending in 1, 3, 5, 7, or 9 are odd while numbers ending in 0, 2, 4, 6, or 8 are even. Their learning bias towards odd numbers was the opposite of humans, who categorise even numbers more quickly The bees trained to associate odd numbers with sugar water learnt quicker. Remarkably, the respective groups learnt at different rates. The scientists trained individual bees using comparisons of odd versus even numbers (with cards presenting 1-10 printed shapes) until they chose the correct answer with 80% accuracy The other group was trained to associate odd numbers with sugar water, and even numbers with quinine One was trained to associate even numbers with sugar water and odd numbers with a bitter-tasting liquid (quinine). To teach bees a parity task, scientists separated ‘individuals’ into two groups. Researchers associated with The Conversation have shown that honeybees can learn to order quantities, perform simple addition and subtraction, match symbols with quantities and relate size and number concepts. And there are many ways to categorise numbers as even or odd.

    even numbers

    As children, we learn numbers can either be even or odd. Till date this had never been shown in non-human animals.“Two, four, six, eight bog in, don’t wait”. A new study has shown that honeybees can learn odd and even number categorisation - also called parity classification.

    Even numbers